Our Sundays are unashamedly about God.
Each Sunday, hundreds of people come with various needs, and it’s only God who can minister to each one of us personally.
To this end, our leadership is passionate about welcoming God’s presence on Sundays, from the atmosphere in the auditorium, to the Bible teaching, and songs of praise.
The effects of this are felt in a variety of ways. Some Sundays are more reverent than others and some are more joyful. We make room for Him to bring His presence, and we follow.
(Click the prayer question below to find out how we make room for His leading)
We’re a family-friendly church! We have an excellent Citylight Kids ministry, and your children are welcomed in our worship gathering.
We also have a growing Citylight Students ministry, with opportunities for your Middle School student to connect on Sundays and your High School student to connect on Wednesdays.
80-90 minutes. We recommend arriving 15 minutes before our service begins, but don't worry if you're running late! One of our ushers will be happy to help you find a seat.
Nope. Come as you are. Wear what’s most comfortable for you.
We’re a Word-fed church! We typically preach through books of the Bible, start to finish. When it comes to our mind, heart, and life, we want to listen to “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), one passage at a time. Check out our sermons.
Our band leads both contemporary songs and traditional hymns, and the whole church is the worship team, “singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among ourselves” (Ephesians 5:19). People express their love and gratitude to Jesus in a variety of ways. Many will sing, shout, and raise their hands; some will sit quietly and meditate; some will dance or kneel in prayer. There is freedom here.
You can join us at 8:30 AM every Sunday @ Westview Highschool, room 120
This is a big quiet time. We receive a message, sit in silence with music, and then pray for the gathering
Additionally, we have a prayer team that is available after Sunday service, in front of the stage.
They are available to pray for your needs
On the third Sunday of every month, we partake in Communion. Anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and bowed their knee to Jesus as Lord is invited to participate. We serve communion by means of individually packaged bread & juice.
Every couple of months, you can discover more about our story, mission, and membership by attending CLB 101.
You can also stop by our ‘Get Connected’ corner on Sundays when the service concludes to chat personally with a pastor.