Week of March 9

Choose one play to be the content for your group time

Play 1: Passage Discussion

Proverbs 25

Read through this chapter and discuss what sticks out and why . What is the Specific application for your life? (situation, relationships)

  • Note: certain verses will make a lasting impact for weeks. In this case, consider memorizing them so they become apart of you

Play 2: Jesus, Joy, Junk

Jesus - What is God teaching you since y’all last met?

  • Have everyone read the same scriptures, prior to meeting, so everyone comes with something. Feel free to use the passage above.

  • Be flexible so that some may be able to share a vision, dream, or situation, that God spoke through.

Joy - Where do you see Gods hand? What can you celebrate? What is something to be grateful for?

Junk - What are you struggling with? What sin needs to be confessed?

Play 3: Exodus 32 Sermon Discussion

Sermon Date: March 16, 2025

This passage, or chapter, below, will be taught this Sunday

Read it then work through the S.P.E.C.K.S acroymn to guide discussion. This can be worked through all together, verbally processed, or silently, then shared all together . Choose what best works.

If necessary, click on the link for interpretive assistance: Exodus

From the passage, or chapter, What are…

Sins to avoid

Promises to claim

Examples to follow

Commands to obey

Knowledge about God

So what? From the information above, what is the specific application for you? Choose only one, below:

  • What is the specific sin that the Holy Spirit is telling you to confess and turn away from? Why turn away from it? Whats the cost?

  • What specific situation is God’s Spirit telling you to apply a promise to? What is He telling you to believe?

  • From the example to follow, What is God asking you to imitate? Who will it affect around you? What situation will it affect?

  • What specific command is God asking you to obey? Why?

  • From the knowledge of God section, How does this comfort/encourage you? How can it affect others around you? or relationships? Current situations? Behaviors? Mindsets?

So what? From the information above, is there an application for others?

  • If someone came to mind, while reading through S.P.E.C.K.S, please pray for them. Is the Holy Spirit asking you to consider lovingly confronting, or encouraging, that person?


Week of March 16


Week of March 2nd