Genesis 27:41-46 Discussion Guide

Sermon Date: June 25, 2023


Here are important events that you should be aware of and praying over:

-Westview Highschool - We are moving to Westview Highschool, in Bennington, THIS Sunday, June 25th


The point of a City Group is to help us apply God’s Word to our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to multiply faithful disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus. So we gather regularly to give ourselves to three basic Christian practices: sharing stories, reading the Bible, and praying.


Ask if anyone would like to open up in prayer and ask God to bless your time together


Break the ice with a testimony..

  • Who has prepared their 5-7 minute story?

  • Who can give testimony of God’s goodness right now? (i.e. answered prayer, provision, transformation, etc.)


Jacob has just deceived his father Isaac and cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright and his blessing. Esau hates Jacob and is scheming to kill him. This story shows us the bondage of bitterness while highlighting the freedom of forgiveness we can have in Jesus.


  • Read Genesis 27:41-46 aloud as a group. What are some initial observations that caught your attention?

  • What do you notice about Jacob and his character so far? Esau? Rebekah?

  • The conflict between Jacob and Esau led to the following:

    -Jacob had to flee from his home

    -It would be more than 20 years until Jacob and Esau saw each other again

    -Both Isaac and Rebekah died during that 20-year gap, which means they never saw Jacob again

    • What kind of effects do grudges have within relationships/families?


  • Read on in Matthew 18:21-35. Any initial observations?

    Through this parable, Jesus emphasizes the theme of forgiveness as vital to the life of a Christian. God Himself has shown us the ultimate forgiveness through the cross where Jesus was sacrificed so that we could be forgiven.

    • Based on this parable, why was the first servant forgiven? Why did he not forgive his servant?

    • Reread v. 35. What does Jesus say will happen if we don’t forgive others?

  • Read Ephesians 4:25-32. Any initial observations?

    • How does the devil use anger and bitterness as “footholds” or “opportunities” in our lives? Why does the devil want us to stay stuck in bitterness?

    • How does Jesus free us from bitterness and empower us to forgive instead? Why does Jesus want us to be free from bitterness?

  • It’s been said that bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Have you experienced this kind of bitterness—either pointed toward you or caused by you?

    • What do you think is keeping you from experiencing forgiveness?

    • Who in your life is God inviting you to forgive? Who in your life is God inviting you to ask for forgiveness?

    • What’s the next right step God is calling you to take in seeking forgiveness?


  1. Feel free to ask the group for any pressing prayer requests that would be good to pray over together.

  2. Use the TACOS acronym to let the text you studied pray for you:

    • Thanksgiving - “Father, thank you…”

    • Adoration - “Father, You are…”

    • Confession - “Father, I confess…”

    • Others - “Father, I pray for…”

    • Self - “Father, please help me…”

    *If size or group dynamics seem to hinder prayer, consider dividing into groups of men/women or groups of 3-4 to reduce barriers to praying out loud.


Genesis 28 Discussion Guide


Making Transitions