Genesis 27 Discussion Guide

Sermon Date: June 11, 2023


Here are important events that you should be aware of and praying over:

-Westview Highschool - We are moving to Westview Highschool, in Bennington, on Sunday, June 25th


The point of a City Group is to help us apply God’s Word to our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to multiply faithful disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus. So we gather regularly to give ourselves to three basic Christian practices: sharing stories, reading the Bible, and praying.


Ask if anyone would like to open up in prayer and ask God to bless your time together


Break the ice with a testimony..

  • Who has prepared their 5-7 minute story?

  • Who can give testimony of God’s goodness right now? (i.e. answered prayer, provision, transformation, etc.)


Isaac is turning blind in his old age and wants to bless Esau, his oldest son. Isaac has always favored Esau, while Rebekah has always favored Jacob. Rebekah and Jacob work together to steal Esau’s blessing. This story shows us the destruction that happens when we let our selfishness runs its full course.


  • Read Genesis 27 aloud as a group. What are some initial observations that caught your attention?

  • What are all the different ways we see Rebekah’s selfishness in this passage? Jacob’s?

    • How did their selfishness affect Isaac? Esau? Their family as a whole?

    • What was the blessing that Jacob stole? What does Isaac pronounce over Esau now?

    • How does Rebekah respond at the end of the story? Esau? Jacob?


  • Read James 3:13-16. Any initial observations?

    • What do we see God say about selfishness in His Word? Why is selfishness wrong?

    • In what ways do you find yourself fighting against selfishness? Why do you think that is—what’s underneath that?

  • Read on in James 3:17-18. Any initial observations?

    • What does God tell us to replace selfishness with instead? Why is wisdom better?

    • Why do you think it’s more difficult to practice wisdom and so much easier to be selfish?

    • How has Jesus modeled this wisdom to us? How does his example motivate us to get rid of selfishness in our lives?

    • In what ways could you begin to practice this wisdom? Are there any specific people, places, situations in your life that could serve as good training ground to exercise wisdom rather than selfishness?


  1. Feel free to ask the group for any pressing prayer requests that would be good to pray over together.

  2. Use the TACOS acronym to let the text you studied pray for you:

    • Thanksgiving - “Father, thank you…”

    • Adoration - “Father, You are…”

    • Confession - “Father, I confess…”

    • Others - “Father, I pray for…”

    • Self - “Father, please help me…”

    *If size or group dynamics seem to hinder prayer, consider dividing into groups of men/women or groups of 3-4 to reduce barriers to praying out loud.


Making Transitions


Genesis 25 & 26 Discussion Guide