Genesis 20 Discussion Guide
Sermon Date: May 7, 2023
Here are important events that you should be aware of and praying over:
Waiting Room - Saturday, May 6th @ CLB Offices 9am-noon
TELL YOUR STORY - We’re collecting stories! Visit to learn more.
The point of a City Group is to help us apply God’s Word to our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to multiply faithful disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus. So we gather regularly to give ourselves to three basic Christian practices: sharing stories, reading the Bible, and praying.
Ask if anyone would like to open up in prayer and ask God to bless your time together
Break the ice with a testimony..
Who has prepared their 5-7 minute story?
Who can give testimony of God’s goodness right now? (i.e. answered prayer, provision, transformation, etc.)
Abraham deceives Abimelech, and he must make it right. We’re going to see what happens when we deceive others, how to make it right, and how to keep ourselves living in the freedom of honesty before God and others.
Read Genesis 20 & 21:22-34 aloud as a group. What are some initial observations that caught your attention?
What is Abraham’s reason for lying? How does he justify his lie?
How does Abimelech respond? What does Abraham do to make things right?
As humans, we always want to look more impressive to others or on the other hand, we’re afraid of what others will think of us. The fear of man makes us want to “hide” behind our lies, no matter how “big” or “small”.
In what ways do we find ourselves lying in order to impress and/or hide from others?
How do we try to justify ourselves if/when we get found out?
Matthew 5:23-24 says “So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.
We hurt others when we deceive them. Even “small” lies can cause big gaps in the trust that is formed within relationships.
What does this passage tell us to do when we wrong others through offenses like lying?
What might it look like to be “reconciled” to someone after we’ve wronged them or they’ve wronged us?
What tools, habits, or rhythms do you practice to help keep you honest before God and others? Do you have people in your life who you feel like you can be completely honest with? People who can check in on you and hold you accountable consistently? (Consider inviting group members into men’s & women’s Huddles and/or have a Freedom Night if you haven’t already)
How would you encourage other people who are feeling stuck in lying/deceit that we can all experience? What hope do you see in the Bible that you could you share with them?
Feel free to ask the group for any pressing prayer requests that would be good to pray over together.
Use the TACOS acronym to let the text you studied pray for you:
Thanksgiving - “Father, thank you…”
Adoration - “Father, You are…”
Confession - “Father, I confess…”
Others - “Father, I pray for…”
Self - “Father, please help me…”
*If size or group dynamics seem to hinder prayer, consider dividing into groups of men/women or groups of 3-4 to reduce barriers to praying out loud.