Genesis 2 Discussion Guide

Sermon date: Jan. 15, 2023 Passage: Genesis 2


Here are a few things your group needs to know!

EVENT - Women’s Retreat

  • Friday-Saturday February 10-11, 2023

  • Carol Joy Holling Retreat Center

  • There will be a speaker, worship, and space to get to know other women at CLB!

  • Lodging, meals, and a welcome bag are included in the cost of registration. 

  • College-aged women and older are invited. If you are a nursing mom, we have special accommodations for you!

  • Register online at

  • Registrations CLOSE on Friday, January 20—there are NO LATE REGISTRATIONS!

EVENT - HS Min Outing Moylan Iceplex

  • Saturday, January 21st from 7-10pm

  • Moylan Iceplex

  • High school students come join us as we have a party room booked for you! Have fun skating, connecting with other students and inviting friends! Food will be provided and your tickets will be paid for, RSVP here!

  • Register online at

    EVENT - Fast Track

  • Sunday, January 22nd from 11:30pm-1:30pm

  • Anchor Pointe cafeteria

  • CLB Fast Track is designed to make it easy for you to get connected. This one-time process will:

    -Introduce you to our staff, here to serve you!

    -Show you our story, vision, & beliefs

    -Help you identify how you can serve our church

    -Lunch for your family and Citylight Kids Care is provided! Please RSVP so we can provide lunch for you!

  • Register online at


Remind your group that City Groups exist to…

  • Apply God’s Word to our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit

  • Multiply faithful disciples who make more disciples of Jesus Christ


  • Ask if anyone would like to open up in prayer and ask God to bless your time together


Break the ice with a testimony..

  • Someone shares their salvation story

  • Or someone shares a celebration of God’s goodness in the past week


God has created many amazing things within the first five days. But He now saves His best for last—His pièce de résistance is finally revealed…humans! The only creation our Triune God says is formed “in our image”. Wow!

And God has a specific purpose and a wonderful plan for mankind from the beginning. God gives Adam work in a beautiful garden with delicious fruit and two trees planted in the middle of the garden, one of which He warns would lead to death if he would ever eat its fruit. God sees man and the rest of His creation, but notices one thing that is not good—that man was alone. And so, in the sixth day of creation, we see the first surgery, woman, and marriage! God is setting up mankind with every good thing they need to fulfill their God-given purpose. But even more than giving them resources and one another, God gives them His very presence, partnership, and friendship.


  1. Have people in your group go around and read Genesis 2 out loud. What are some initial observations that caught your attention in this passage?

  2. Revisit Genesis 1:28. What is God’s command to mankind in the beginning? Based off of this verse, and putting it in your own words, what would you say is the main purpose of God creating humans?

  3. God has said up to this point that everything He created was good and finally says that something is “not good” in verse 18. Why is that? What does it mean to be “alone” in this verse? How can the Church help make sure no one feels alone?

  4. Look at the creation of Eve in verses 21-23. How should this inform how men and women are to view one another? How should this inform how husbands and brides are to treat one another?


  1. Head—like in the Garden of Eden, God continues to give us everything we need to flourish and fulfill our God-given purpose. But many times we think God won’t provide. Why do you think that is? What do you struggle to believe about God’s character? What do we see about God’s character in Genesis 2?

  2. Heart—We see in Genesis 2 that God is looking out for our good and won’t let anything “not good” stay that way. God proves this ultimately at the cross by giving His only Son to die for our lack of goodness and to fill the earth with goodness once again through His resurrection. How have you experienced God’s goodness? How does His goodness motivate you to live for Him and for the good of others?

  3. Hands—In what specific areas of your life are you living out your purpose to show God’s beauty by loving Him and loving others? What areas of your life can you grow in loving God and others (spouse, kids, church family, neighbor, employer, coworkers, stranger, etc.)?


PRAY ‘TACOS’ after collecting prayer requests

Thanksgiving - “Father, thank you…”

Adoration - “Father, you are…”

Confession - “Father, I confess…”

Others - “Father, I pray for…”

Self - “Father, please help me…”

*If size or group dynamics seem to hinder prayer, consider dividing into groups of men/women or groups of 3-4 to reduce barriers to praying out loud


  • Re-confirm schedule

  • Urgent needs for serving in the church

    • We need Citylight Kids volunteers! Email Trish at to volunteer today!

  • “See you Sunday! Here’s where we’ll be sitting…”

  • Plan serving opportunity and put it in everyone’s calendar


Genesis 3:1-5 Discussion Guide