Genesis 18 Discussion Guide Part II

Sermon: April 23, 2023


Here are important events that you should be aware of and praying over:

CLB 101 Class Sunday, April 23rd, 9-11a @ Anchor Pointe

-Visit “Upcoming” tab at to register for class & childcare 


The point of a City Group is to help us apply God’s Word to our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to multiply faithful disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus. So we gather regularly to give ourselves to three basic Christian practices: sharing stories, reading the Bible, and praying.


Ask if anyone would like to open up in prayer and ask God to bless your time together


Break the ice with a testimony..

  • Who has prepared their 5-7 minute story?

  • Who can give testimony of God’s goodness right now? (i.e. answered prayer, provision, transformation, etc.)


God has visited Abraham and reminded both he and Sarah that He will indeed provide a son for them. As the angels head toward Sodom, Abraham draws near to God in order to intercede on Sodom’s behalf.

Abraham shows us what it means to be a priest—someone who mediates between God and man. And as Christians on this side of the cross, we are now priests as well.

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”

1 Peter 2:9


  • Reread Genesis 18:22-33 aloud as a group. What do we notice about how Abraham approaches and asks God his requests?

    Now it’s time for us as a church to do the same. Take time this week to have a prayer night.

  • Pray for one another:

    • Take time to share any celebrations, struggles, confessions and pray together

    • Feel free to wait on words, pictures, thoughts, Bible verses from God to share with one another and encourage

    • And/or journal through Rooted Prayer Experience slideshow

  • Pray for others:

    • Lost family members, neighbors, coworkers, friends

    • CLB—staff, those who serve, Citylight Kids, CL Students, and all the families

    • Marriages/Parenting

    • CLB Echo Prayer App Requests (download and follow Citylight Bennington!)

    • CLB land and building

    • Government—both federal and local, leaders, policies that honor God (Heartbeat Act and Gender Blocker Bill—see Echo Prayer App)

    • Local schools, students, teachers, school boards, curriculum that honors God

    • Those who may be sick, injured, experiencing chronic pain, disease, etc.

    • Those undergoing spiritual warfare, struggling in their faith, undergoing trials or suffering

*If size or group dynamics seem to hinder prayer, consider dividing into groups of men/women or groups of 3-4 to reduce barriers to praying out loud.


Genesis 19 Discussion Guide


Genesis 18 Discussion Guide